``I must give him his due. He has considerably cretinized me.'' Lautréamont

Pics click to enlarge.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Clinton Adopts Harsher Tactics (WSJ)

nurse channeled

Clinton ratcheted up her attacks on Obama, comparing his campaign tactics to those of President Bush.

Somber Clinton Soldiers On as the Horizon Darkens (NYT)

bar lowered

“That said, she knows that there will be an end,” Ms. Hope said. “She is a very smart woman.”

Friday, February 22, 2008

Subtle Weather Distinction Made

Freezing rain until early afternoon...then freezing rain likely.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Look, Up in the Sky! (NYT)

Every piece of debris has an orbit that passes through the original point of intercept. Thus it all falls to earth pretty immediately, for a low intercept point.

It stays up a long time, for a high intercept point.

Elementary physics is too hard for the NYT.

by Gail Collins
The only known instance of somebody shooting down a satellite occurred last year when the Chinese brought down one of their old weather satellites, also citing vague threats to humanity. At the time, the United States was extremely peeved and complained the Chinese were creating space debris.

McCain camp hits back hard (politico)

homosexual charge

John McCain has a 24-year record of serving our country with honor and integrity. He has never violated the public trust, never done favors for special interests or lobbyists, and he will not allow a smear campaign to distract from the issues at stake in this election.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Global Tobacco Threat (NYT)

credulity limit reached at the NYT

It is impossible to believe claims by many tobacco companies that they are not trying to addict new smokers but only to convert adults who are using inferior local brands.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Virus from China the gift that keeps on giving (SF Chronicle)

Insidious is the Sino- in Sino-Soviet.

An insidious computer virus recently discovered on digital photo frames has been identified as a powerful new Trojan Horse from China that collects passwords for online games - and its designers might have larger targets in mind.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Flawed Feminist Test (NYT)

big ears

by Marueen Dowd

And since women — and some men — tend to be more protective when she is down, it is impossible to rule out a rally, especially if voters start to see Obama, after his eight-contest rout, as that maddening archetypal figure: the glib golden boy who slides through on charm and a smile.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So Much for Paglia

tinpot orator day

The galvanizing energy aroused by Barack Obama's thrilling coast-to-coast victories gives Democrats a clear shot at regaining the White House.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Next Up for the Democrats: Civil War (NYT)

keep your cotton-pickin' hands off my gin - Eli Whitney

By Frank Rich
The question now is how much more racial friction the Clinton campaign will gin up

Suggested Column Tag for Maureen Dowd

Maureen Dowd is off today.

Because They Said So (NYT)

19th amendment responsible

Even by the dismal standards of what passes for a national debate on intelligence and civil liberties, last week was a really bad week.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Clouded Crystal Ball, Private Enterprise Edition

Polaroid failed to embrace the digital technology that has transformed photography, instead sticking to its belief that many photographers who didn't want to wait to get pictures developed would hold onto their old Polaroid cameras.


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