``I must give him his due. He has considerably cretinized me.'' Lautréamont

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Monday, January 30, 2006

Woodruff Found Passion for News in China

the latest national soap opera event unfolds

where are the man-in-the-street interviews where the guy says ``who gives a sh*t?''

like with princess di, the public finds its views are not represented in the media

the media play to a single audience, soap opera women

100,000 people die every day in the world and the nation has to fixate on the cast of ``how the world turns'' because advertisers pay for the eyeballs of dysfunctional women

NEW YORK -- Bob Woodruff had a comfortable career in corporate law ahead of him when he took a year away to teach in China. It was 1989, the year of the Tiananmen Square protest, and amid the chaos, Woodruff discovered his passion for journalism.


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