``I must give him his due. He has considerably cretinized me.'' Lautréamont

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Burning the Bill of Rights (NYT)

NYT gets one right, though of course the right thinks the same thing except for the dickwad right

the flag belongs to everybody, snake oil salesmen as well as boy scouts

it does not belong to veterans' groups and other ``you owe us'' organizations

the only actual flag desecration I've run into is politicians using the flag as a backdrop

but that's the offense you have to put up with for freedom

flag burning is our canary in the coal mine for free speech. it offends the right people.

Senate Republicans are trying to torch a hole in the First Amendment' s free speech guarantee by passing an amendment to the Constitution that would allow federal and state authorities to punish flag-burning.


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